松野大輔/Daisuke Matsuno 世の中は苦しと思へば苦しきに いでや楽しと思ひくらさむ 木下幸文 The world can be a real pain when you think it is a p […]
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粂明江/Akie Kume 坐花 Sitting to the flowers
松野大輔/Daisuke Matsuno 坐花酔月(花に座し月に酔う) sit on a flower and drink to the moon
彩玲/Cai Lu 菊花寒更香 Chrysanthemums are more fragrant in the cold
塚本紘一/Koichi Tsukamoto 茶の花に隠れんぼする雀哉 In the tea flowers playing hide and seek sparrows
冬雨/Ruth Sheridan 荷心香 The heart of the lotus smells sweet.
丸雄崇史/Takashi Maruo 臨・顔真卿 Study of Classic
光風/Alfredo A. Menéndez Sancho 吾道一以貫之 I stay consistent with one idea all the way.
南枝/Nancy Tayui 壽 “Kotobuki” means long life, celebration, health, and a myriad of positive messages summed up […]
南枝/Nancy Tayui 一花開天下春 When a single flower blooms, it is spring throughout the world.