藤原彪向/Huga Fujiwara 科学の進歩 Scientific Innovation
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神代杏/Angela Johnson 不言実行 Commitment is an act, not a word.
戸倉凛/Lin Tokura 夢への一歩 A Step Toward Your Dream
内田米蔵/Nicolas Uchida 輝く太陽 shining sun
長谷川華子/Kako Hasegawa 満天の星 The sky is full of stars
五反田康瑤/Koyo Gotanda 太陽の光 Sunlight
三浦匠吾/Shougo Miura 離家三四月 落涙百千行 萬事皆如夢 時時仰彼蒼 It has been three months since I left home, or perhaps four. I have […]
不破亜衣子/Aiko Fuwa 長楽無極 Happiness forever
渡辺恵/Megumi Watanabe 心華 A heart like a beautiful flower