柳元/Paul Verba 大噐晩成 Great talents mature late
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柳元/Paul Verba 憐花 Love Flower
伊藤光紀/Mitsuki Ito 山光澄我心 Mountain lights make my mind clear.
吉道/Johan Lagrange 壽鶴 Longevity
天海/Gabrielle Blaug 山花水鳥皆知己 Mountains, flowers, water and birds are all familiar to me.
天海/Gabrielle Blaug 春陽 Spring Sunshine!
朱馬/Christine Schulbach 望 Hope
朱馬/Christine Schulbach 徳如海寿似山 Virtue like Ocean, longevity like Mountain If we want to live long and good, we […]
朱馬/Christine Schulbach 閑居可以養志 I try to train my heart in a calm place
Ruri Ruri 風鈴 Wind Bell